Explore Conscience

Who are you?
Which is correct?
That is not correct?
What is the truth?
What do you have control over?

Simple elements


"When all citizens do not have the same rights in all territories, we no longer speak of rights but of privileges." Rosa Diez

"He entered the territory of lies without a passport for return." ― Graham Greene

when we stop being at the bottom of our human peak, we will be able to understand the infinity of our territory ―  Sheyyii


“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure despite overwhelming odds. ” ― Christopher Reeve

“The individual has always fought not to be absorbed by the tribe. If you try, you will often be alone, and sometimes scared. But no price is too high for the privilege of being oneself. ” ― Friedrich Nietzsche -Philosopher


“The bond that unites you to your true family is not that of blood, but that of respect and joy that you feel for their lives and they for yours. ” ―(Richard Bach)

Social Group

“If a country is to be free of corruption and become a nation of wonderful minds, I firmly believe that there are three key social members that can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher. ” ― (APJ Abdul Kalam)


“The answer to anyone who speaks of "overpopulation" is to ask if he himself is part of that overpopulation, or if he isn't, how does he know he isn't. ” ―Gilbert keith chesterton


“If education is always to be conceived according to the same old-fashioned criteria of a mere transmission of knowledge, little can be expected of it in terms of improving the future of man. For what is the use of transmitting knowledge if the total development of the individual is left behind? ” ―

Complex elements


"Only he who knows is free, and he who knows the most is freer... Only culture gives freedom... Do not proclaim the freedom to fly, but give wings; not the freedom to think, but give thought. The freedom that exists to give to the people is culture" – Miguel de Unamuno 

"True culture is born with nature, it is simple, humble and pure" – Masanobu Fukuoka


“You can change your world by changing your words. Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.” ― Joel Osteen.


“Spirituality needs to be cosmic, allowing us to live the mystery of existence with reverence, with gratitude for the gift of life and with humility regarding the place that the human being occupies in nature. ” ―Leonardo Boff


“We are the ones who have to give meaning to our own lives. To exist is to create your own existence. ” ―

“I can't teach anyone anything. I can only make you think. ” ― (Socrates)

“ There is destiny, fatality and chance; the unpredictable and, on the other hand, what is already determined. So since there is chance and since there is destiny, let us philosophize. ” ― Seneca


“What we know is a drop, what we do not know is an ocean. ” ―(Isaac Newton)

“In Science the only sacred truth is that there are no sacred truths. ” ― (Carl Sagan)

“No truth is absolute. ” ―


“When the last tree is cut down, the last river poisoned, the last fish caught, only then will man discover that money cannot be eaten. ” ― Proverb of the Cree Indians


“Our most deeply rooted, most indubitable convictions are the most suspect. They constitute our limit, our confines, our prison. ” ― (José Ortega y Gasset)