Explore Survival

Water, air, earth, fire and social systems…


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“Almost all the good things that happen in the world are born from an attitude of appreciation for others.  ” ― (Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso)


“It is the domestic hearth where the sentiments and habits that constitute public happiness are formed.  ” ― (Count of Mirabeau)


“Almost all the good things that happen in the world are born from an attitude of appreciation for others.  ” ― (Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso)

Clothing and Fashion

“The best way to dress is when they notice the person first and the dress second. ―(Oscar de la Renta)


“It is the domestic hearth where the sentiments and habits that constitute public happiness are formed.  ” ― (Count of Mirabeau)


“It is beautiful that parents become friends with their children, dispelling all fear, but inspiring them with great respect. ” ― Anonymous

"It is not flesh and blood, but the heart, that makes us fathers and sons” ― (Friedrich Schiller)


“Style is a way of saying who you are without having to speak.- ” ― (Rachel Zoe) 


"The more open we are to our own feelings, the better we will be able to read those of others." ― (DANIEL GOLEMAN)



I don't drink water, fish fornicate in it. ― Anonymous


The erotic instinct belongs to the original nature of man. It is related to the highest form of spirit. ― (Carl G. Jung)

Physical activity

It is necessary to cultivate the vigor of the body, to preserve that of the spirit. ―(Luc de Clapiers.)


Health is a relationship between you and your body. - (Unknown)


Aquatic ecosystems

Thousands have lived without love, not one with water. ― Anonymous

Terrestrial ecosystem

A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.  ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

Mixed ecosystems

"Biodiversity is very variable both in animals and species before their different habitats and in addition, we have different species of vegetation, flora and animals that can live in the water, as well as on land and of course fly." ― Anonymous

Microbial ecosystem

“The deletion of a single generation is enough. A generation of whatever: beetles, trees, microbes, scientists, Francophones, I don't know. If the link in time between one generation and the next is broken, the game is over forever.  ” ― Margaret Atwood

Artificial ecosystems

"The progressive mutual accommodation between an active, developing human being and the changing properties of the immediate environments in which the developing person lives, is to understand the distribution and abundance of living things in the physical environment".  ― Anonymous



“Stopping the machine when there is a problem forces everyone to be aware of the anomaly. When the problem is clearly understood, it is possible to improve. - (Taiichi Ohno.)


"Approach each customer with the idea of helping them, solving their problem or achieving their goal and not to sell them a product or service".  – Brian Tracy


“In addition to being an economy of excess and waste, consumption is also, and precisely for that reason, an economy of deception. Bet on the irrationality of consumers, and not on their well-informed decisions made cold; bets on awakening the consumerist emotion, and not on cultivating reason.” ― (ZYGMUNT BAUMAN)


We live in a society deeply dependent on science and technology and in which nobody knows anything about these issues. That constructs a secure formule for the disaster." ― (Carl Sagan)


Our decisions about transportation determine much more than where roads or bridges or tunnels or rail lines will be built. They determine the connections and barriers that people will encounter in their daily lives - and thus how hard or easy it will be for people to get where they need and want to go. ” ―  Elijah Cummings